Friday, August 18, 2006

Irish Comics: Why we're here.

Hello All.

The whole point of this blog is to encourage a dialogue between irish comic artists. Well, writers or fans can all join in and comment of course, but what we want to do is get people drawing comics to get to know each other and see each others work. Any irish comics artists i've met have been through lucky circumstances, and any that i know don't really know each other. I grew up thinking i was the only one, but i'm well aware now that's not the case. So, enough of that: lets get to know each other.

Will had already posted some of his work, i'll do the same. I realise it'll be just me and him for a while, til this builds steam, but do join in.

All the best,



Niall said...

The more hubs of conversation on this the better. As it happens I'm trying to find an artist to work with on a 12-issue series so maybe a passing reader could leave a post on my own blog...

It's mostly events with some humour and local comics news thrown in for good measure.

Ciaran Lucas said...

Irish comic artist here :D

Colourist first and foremost, but I do a bit of everything.

give us a shout at